9.1.11  Zach is officially an 8th grader and the big cheese at Mattson Middle School this year.  Kylie is starting 5th grade and is so excited to get Mr. Jancola as her teacher.  Zach also had Mr. J in 5th grade. We also included pictures of our friends, Sydney and Ian Hawley and Sloane O'Rear who is starting kindergarten this year!  Yay!  Happy school year!
9/20/2011 12:32:23 am

Just think next year....Zach will be in HIGH SCHOOL!!! Holy cow!!!! And my BABY will be in HIGH SCHOOL!!!! How did THAT happen????? Did you know that you cannot put too many exclamation points in a post? It told me there was too many exclamation point, to remove them or try again... ha!


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