David, Jordan and Lucy came for a visit to the beach house in Clinton.  Zach, Jordan and Matt dug a hole in the sand and sat in it until the tide came up...it didn't take too long!  Here's some pictures of all the kids on the rocket - the new pull toy from Uncle Bobby for Rob's daughter Maggie's birthday.  Thanks for sharing your present Maggie!
We were so excited to pick Kylie up from her week long camp.  The leaders said she was a great camper and an excellent paddler, the best in her unit.  They had a mixture of sun and a little bit of wind and mist but had a great time.  Kylie got really chapped under her bottom lip during the week and didn't have any chapstick...oooh it looked like it hurt!  She was a trooper though!  Her camp counselors were named L.T. (short for Laffy Taffy) and Ducky.  Ducky however, was not so ducky!  Kylie said she was cranky and not very nice.  Hmmm, someone won't get a good review!
Kylie had a great time at her week long girl scout camp at Camp Madrona and had lots of stories to share!  Jeff and I survived the week too and our house was very quiet - tee hee!  They did lots of boating, swimming, archery, crafts, campfires and singing etc!  Kylie took 176 pictures while she was there so I had to weed out the best ones.
Hi everyone!  Sorry it's been 2 weeks since our last post.  Lots has happened but we also were on vacation last week and spending this week getting caught up on everything.  So, read above for what's been happening and thanks for being so patient!